Practice Images

Inner Need

I wrote this poem the day I posted instead of pick from ones I’ve made earlier in the year. There is a spelling error that I missed until after I had posted to my social media sites. I am keeping it on based on my need to show my development in skills. So for today’s learning: good enough.

A beaver’s dam holds back the flow,
accumulates the ice and snow.
Increasing depth from down below,
still seeking evermore room to grow,
so seepage, leak and overflow
will never stop or even slow.
Inner desires evoke that need,
with creativity that must be freed.

The Past

I didn’t know what image I had to show loneliness since I wasn’t outside in big cities during covid. This photo does represent something that has spent time alone and will never come back. It is now in the Royal Tyrrell Museum.

You gave up your past
to be alone.
In that time,
your strength
has grown.
Your looks do not matter
but your inner soul does,
Your dreams may all scatter
so don’t cry for what was.


I probably made the image too blue, which now, to me, looks indigo.

In your past you may have slipped,
and ended up being flipped,
If into water you were dipped
to feel like your chest was ripped,
and out of your heart the blood dripped,
All this will end happily,
the rest of the world is still yours to see.
Tolerate rebirth’s pain,
The world is still yours to gain.

Fly but beware

I’m learning more about the colour adjustments and lettering effects. The rhyme structure doesn’t flow quite well at the end. There is probably some ancient Greek story that resembles the idea portrayed.

The time to move on is before your confidence is gone. Explore, ‘cause you can fly, and your pride may get you high. Just beware of too much praise, no matter what level you raise. If you ever get to feeling stuck , It’s the journey that brings you luck.

Find Your Light

The image is of a statue of Joan of Arc at night so it was blurred from the start.

You must leave all problems and the new light follow. Your past seems
dark and hollow.
Do not in any
old rules wallow.
Changes that happen
may be hard to swallow.


I had two different photos for this. The mood of this image may be more universal than the abandoned city streets of last year.

When in life we are alone,
By our choice or when others flee,
Be content with what you own,
Not with what can never be.