Unlocking Doors

key hole door locked
Any forced change 
can leave you shocked,
Instinctual reactions 
become unlocked.
To pass through 
doors of uncertainty,
temperance and patience
is the secret key

There are not many old style locks like this anymore. I happened to be at a hundred year old hotel to take this picture.

Purifying Fire

fire burn
From overly burned 
to becoming the fire.
Don’t get involved 
or you’ll never get higher.
Tortures you endure
cleanse what is impure.
Lighten the load
for the cure,
to continue
and be pure.

There is a duality to the fire that cleanses versus the one that destroys. I tried to make the letters flaming.

Explore Mountains

mountain moraine lake paddle
To be young and strive then grow old and explore.
If in deeper water you dive, your gifts will become more.
It’s youth and courage that opens the door,
then gaining new knowledge raises your score.
Wealth is not measured by the size of your gold,
but the riches your body and mind can hold.
So wander the mountains and travel the sea,
Your future life is its own reward
no matter who you may be.

The mountain silhouette is recognizable as a very commonly used photo to represent the Canadian Rockies. I have been there a few times in my life. The verse is from general ramblings when my mind gets on a roll.


candy store shelf
From witches; make way, if with candy you’ll stay, with freedom you’ll pay.
So be out while you may, then hide where you play, be happy and gay.
Tears will dry away but only with delay.

I had a few pictures of convenience store shelves from a former job, so I finally got to use one showing my shelf-stacking-artistry. I made a striped lettering to represent candy. I also will admit that I made the original with *whitches*. so if I ever post that, you’ll wonder which witch is which?

New Growth

You prepared for the storm
and now you’ll stay warm. Your past charted route
can still bear you fruit. New growth has begun,
it will grow in the sun. just wait in line
for your time to shine.

The tent has been there over the winter and it seems no one cares for it in no-man’s-land. The verse is about preparation and patience. It was written early in my practice so the ending isn’t as meaningful as I’ve tried for recently.

Fizz Boom

A golden rescue you await
Be prepared if it comes late
Enjoy the thrill for brief it is
It may boom or it may fizz
Through all of this you’ll gain your tools
For all these skills are not taught in schools.

I was trying different effects to get the letters to look sparkling. The fireworks photos take practice for timing so many of the pictures I had actually fizzed.