Fossil Encased

fossil rough stone brown bones
Outside is rough,
encased by rocks.
Your body’s tough
to handle shocks.
Escape from stones,
we all must strive.
Inside our bones,
we are alive.
Others escape
from armored walls,
So please proceed
when freedom calls.

Another fossil photo and poem. I have tried to edit some of my writing from many months ago before I wrote specifically to use with my photos. As a comparison here is my original writing that I messaged for only 3 people to see on October 29:

Escaping from the stones, we must all strive.
Inside we have our bones, and are alive.
But outside it is rough and blocked with rocks.
Your body must be tough (and wear your socks).
Others have escaped from armored walls,
So you too must heed the freedom calls.

Lonely Flower

sunflower field porta potty
When you’re the strange flower,
With some unknown power,
to grow up to be large,
so want to take charge,
size up your choices,
listen to other voices,
keep your sense of scale,
produce scents to inhale.

I took this photo to show the contrast between nature and man. Sometimes the best angles for one object conflict with some background object. The flower at least had the ability to grow in gravel.

Pressure Relief

pipe safety relief vent pressure
A relief valve eases pressure,
when other safeguards fail,
it has internal measure
with a prescribed scale.
So instead of wrecking metal,
due to gas’s inner force,
equipment can resettle,
after resetting, of course.
So we, more complex humans,
whose limits aren’t plain,
need something to relieve us,
when we build internal strain.
Next time when frustrated,
or feel your patience spent,
sense anger and deflate it,
go somewhere safe to vent.

The photo is from somewhere I visited for work. I didn’t want to write all the technical details of all the considerations go into adding safety valves, I just wanted enough to relate it to a common human experience. Maybe others can lead me to other engineering poetry. The only similar one that I think of frequently is Rudyard Kipling’s Hymn of Breaking Strain. The inscription style was made to represent the metal stamps for writing the data on a nameplate, but I didn’t want to use all capital letters as is used in the industry.

Future Paths

path park view scenic
From the negative chatter you needed a break.
But alone with your thoughts might be a mistake.
It’s time you get moving for mental health’s sake.
Let fate guide you in the roads you must take.
Past problems won’t help in the future you make.

I’m getting more picky on which photo I use to represent the thoughts. There are many more generic ideas that don’t seem to be represented by the scenery and animal photos I have. So maybe this means I either get out to take more photos or write poems that fit what I already have.

The Details to See

the mankind colours colors Mardi Gras
Once we leave our family home,
to take some time in the unknown,
observe the foreign lands we roam,
we can’t return, since we’ve outgrown,
the naive times of monochrome.
Beholding colours of *the* mankind,
reminds us that we once were blind!

Im ading dis verzon hear too remaynd miself dat som gramar erors kan bee unnotised evin aftir uh fwew daze. Sew ubuve iz de origginal.

Command Yourself

The family life can be a pleasant one,
Whether for father or daughter or son.
Out of each family, leaders arise,
They may be fair and they may be wise.
Even families of one must take the lead,
Even if it’s their own commands to head.
So get comfortable on your own throne,
You are the person you cannot disown.
Your family may die, or move off when grown,
It’s up to you to handle your life alone!

The military life can be like family. I don’t know how commanding these uniformed youth look, but they do represent their unit well.