
I combine my hobbies of photography and writing rhymes. I do all the web development as my amateur attempt. All photos and words are my own. The rhymes started as text messages to my daughter. I aspire to inspire any others who follow my pages.

Day’s Accomplishment

Sometimes what you get is another day passed.
It may have dragged on, or flew by too fast.
The moments of life still influence you,
whether happy, indifferent, or feeling too blue.
So this is your day, transpired until now.
You’ll try to survive, but I can’t tell you how!
Sometimes what you get is another day passed.
It may have dragged on, or flew by too fast.
The moments of life still influence you,
whether happy, indifferent, or feeling too blue.
So this is your day, transpired until now.
You’ll try to survive, but I can’t tell you how!

It has been over a year since I have updated anything on this site. Many other factors in life interfered with my motivation for making more Pictopoems, I have not taken as many photographs recently, I have been regular in writing verse at least.

Appreciate Your Life

grey tall building walls windows
Overloaded with choices,
indecisive we dwell.
At least there is heat
as we sit in our cell.
Some aren’t so lucky,
and can only pray,
so appreciate life
and each living day.

I happened to make this on Holocaust Memorial Day. While this was a hospital at one time, it got closed down for political reasons. There are many other ways to realize how lucky we are, but at least comparing ourselves to others is relatable.

Soaring High

birds clouds blue sky
You tried to avoid
being herded in crowds.
So you built wings to fly,
getting lost in the clouds.
But don’t get too high,
it’s a precipitous fall,
to soar the beyond
and then, lose it all!

The dust inside my camera shows up as dark blurry spots when I photograph the sky. That adds a unique “fingerprint” to my camera.

I am also editing some of my verse by removing lines from the first draft and picking new words to be more either eloquent or just highfalutin!


wound leg makeup
If you’ve been wounded
or maybe just poked
from someone trusted,
or who you provoked,
Do not let it stop you
from moving along,
perhaps change direction,
but stopping is wrong.

I took this photo of my own leg. While I do get scarred up from wearing shorts in bushes, the major looking injury was makeup. It is one of the few photos I have taken on a military base. While the soldiers are trained to fight through the horrors of war, as a civilian it made me even more realize the destruction that can take place.

Team Effort

band parade brass horns
Among your social group, you must select your troop. For life requires a team, competition is extreme. Your best friend on the venture cannot be a backbencher. So once you’ve won first prize, be thankful for all those guys.

This photo is from just before covid. I hope all the high school and university band members kept up with practice. Instead of picking some sports photo, I wanted to acknowledge all the other teams there are. Their uniforms show Tuskegee University.

Stare and Conform

field flowers sheep stare
Your first task in life
was to stand and stare,
Among pretty flowers
but you don’t know where.
To get through life
you had to conform,
Getting out of line
was not the norm.
So we see the world
with rules to endure,
Approval by others 
is never sure.

I was looking through my photos of flowers that stand out from a pattern. I happened to have this photo from a Wyoming pasture. There is a very strong association with sheep and conformity. It is coincidental that what I wrote before considering a photo fits in with almost no revision.